NR Covis is a company whose core business is the production of high quality components for the mechanical industry, in particular for the energy, oil & gas, presses and paper sector.



NR Covis Srl is the company that has taken up the legacy of Nugo Romano, a company founded in 1968 in Piedimulera (VB), specialized in the precision mechanical machining of large components.Thanks to a state-of-the-art machine park, it is, in fact, one of the most important companies in the sector in Europe.

Its entry into Covis Group in 2022 represents the completion of the variety of precision machining available to the customers of the entire group.


The numerous and continuous investments have allowed to the machining department to be counted among the most important one in Europe with a wide range of modern large and medium-sized tool machines, in order to perform complex machining on a wide range of products. The fabrication department is able to produce electrowelded structures up to 200 tons, in compliance with the strictest welding requirements. The plant also has assembly, heat treatment, blasting and painting departments.


Our main objective is to maintain contacts all over the world to make our presence more incisive on the international market, directing the efforts on technological advancement and on the skills of  personnel, without forgetting the defense of environment and tradition.


Through the constant increase of the production capacity and the quality levels, the company has been able to reach top levels in the international market and it wants to continue to be a benchmark and in many cases a supplier of excellence for many multinational groups all over the world.


NR Covis wants to be chosen by customers for high-quality production at competitive levels, for the reliable delivery dates and for being able to provide a "ready for use" service even for highly complex products. Thanks to the high level of experience of the staff and for the steady investments in the most advanced technological machinery and tools a constantly increasing number of large national and international companies have chosen NR Covis for strategic activities, which until some years ago were only carried out internally.


NR Covis wants to be selected as preferred supplier for key components of many important national and international projects by establishing a long-term business relationship with his customers based on mutual openness and trust. A strong point is the flexibility in proposing most types of solutions with the aim to take, in agreement with customers, correct technical decisions, giving them also the possibility to attend inspections and tests in the company.


The adoption of an integrated Management System for Environment, Health and Safety of Workers certified according to ISO 45001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards has made all the company properly aware of the need to control all the environmental and safety aspects.

The priority objective of the Management is to transmit the awareness of the risks for health, safety and environment, which generate daily to all the company's staff, its contractors and all stakeholders identified by the system.


Only by raising awareness for a full understanding, it is possible to operate in compliance with the Environment, Health and Safety protection.

NR Covis sets itself the following objectives: respect, minimization of environmental impacts and risks for the health and safety and monitoring of risk activities.


Commitment to compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to its environmental aspects and health and safety risks.



Commitment to the minimization of environmental impacts and risks for the health and safety of workers.Commitment to achieving the objective of accidents/incidents = 0.



Monitoring of risk activities, in which the company can exercise a constant and systematic direct control.



The company is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 3834-2:2021. NR Covis has always paid much attention to all aspects concerning the quality of the products, guaranteeing the excellence in the different production phases. In 2023 NR Covis successfully achieved the certification of its occupational health and safety management system as per ISO 45001:2018 and of the environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015.


Certificate ISO 9001:2015

Certificate ISO 3834-2:2021

Certificate ISO 45001:2018

Certificate ISO 14001:2015


Our quality control department has:

- Operators of third level for non-destructive tests (NDT) qualified according to UNI EN ISO 9712: 2012 for the following methods:

  • - Visual Test (VT)
  • - Magnetic Particles Test (MT)
  • - Liquid Penetrant Test (PT)
  • - Ultrasonic Test (UT)

- Qualified technicians to perform dimensional checks with traditional equipment (gauges, micrometers, etc.) and laser devices such as the FARO LASER TRACKER ION and FARO ARM EDGE.

Furthermore the company with its own technicians and qualified operators can offer a service for inspections, tests and expediting in the Energy and Oil & Gas sector in other workshops.